Zwei Guides fuehren ihre Gruppe per Pirschwanderung durch den Busch

Your trip at a glance


  • Live and learn in the midst of Southern Africa’s wilder­ness for 55 days
  • Be part of an inter­na­tional student team
  • Acquire valuable field guide knowledge, instructed by experi­enced course leaders
  • Discover the untouched flora and fauna on daily game walks and drives
  • Receive an official FGASA certifi­cate at the end of the course


Camp Selati
Camp Karongwe
Camp Makuleke
Camp Pride­lands
Camp Pongola
Camp Mashatu

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

Write An Email

Terry, your travel agent for Southern Africa

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Note: The price stated above is an approximate value. Due to sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of the South African Rand, the final price for this trip will be calculated at the time of enquiry based on the latest exchange rate.

Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern wandert bei einem Busch Walk durch die afrikanische Landschaft
Drei Teilnehmer sitzen mit ihrem Guide im Gelaendewagen und fotografieren einen grasenden Elefanten
Zwei Guides fuehren ihre Gruppe per Pirschwanderung durch den Busch
Ein Leopard klettert leichtfuessig ueber totes Gehoelz und Baeume
Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern sitzt im Busch um ein grosses Lagerfeuer herum
Ein kleines flauschiges Zebra laeuft vorsichtig durch den Busch
Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern sitzt auf einem umgefallenen Baumstamm und beobachtet die Umgebung per Fernglas
Aufnahme der Mitte eines Camps, an welcher verschiedene Pfade zu Huetten zusammenlaufen
Zwei Loewen Weibchen liegen kuschelnd und gaehnend im Schatten eines Baumes
Nahaufnahme einer Gottesanbeterin, die auf der Hand eines Guides sitzt
Ein Guide erklaert einer Gruppe von Teilnehmern im Gelaendewagen das Verhalten von Giraffen
Nahaufnahme zweier Geparden, die schlafend im Gras liegen
Eine Teilnehmergruppe sitzt am Rande eines Wasserlochs und beobachten eine Elefantenherde beim Trinken
Ein grosser Elefant steht grasend im dichten Buschwerk
Nahaufnahme eines Teilnehmers, der einen Elefanten beobachtet
Eine der Huetten des Camps steht leicht versteckt durch Straeucher am Waldrand
Nahaufnahme eines Bueffel Kopfes mit seinen gewaltigen Hoernern

Apprentice Field Guide in Southern Africa

As a student in the 55-day Apprentice Field Guide course (former Field Guide Level 1), you get to know Southern Africa’s flora and fauna, acquire deeper knowledge about the local animal and plant life and receive an official FGASA certificate after successful course completion.

Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern sitzt auf einem umgefallenen Baumstamm und beobachtet die Umgebung per Fernglas

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Africa

Botswana/South Africa – You will arrive and depart via Johannesburg. You will arrive one day before the course begins and spend the first night in a hostel, where you will be picked up and brought to the course on the following day.

Ein grosser Elefant steht grasend im dichten Buschwerk

Activ­i­ties during the Appren­tice Field Guide course

During these fascinating 55 days, you will learn all about plants and animals such as amphibians, reptiles and mammals and their relationship with each other within the South African ecosystem.

You will learn various methods for orientation and navigation in an open country, including insights into astronomy, so that you can determine your geographical position using the constellations. During the daily activities, you will learn how to handle an open cross-country vehicle and how to reach your destination safely even in rough terrain. Your training as a field guide also includes basic instruction on the geological and climatological conditions in South Africa, tracking, animal behaviour analysis, and how to identify the native animal, plant, and tree species.

Ein Guide unterrichtet eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern anhand einer Wandzeichnung

You will spend nights in the bush beneath the breathtaking starry sky, gathering in the evenings around the campfire with the other adventure seekers and experiencing never-to-be-forgotten moments. Night drives are offered regularly. This way you get the chance to spot animals like hyenas, civets and other wildlife which is predominantly active at night and therefore difficult to observe.

You will also gain insights into the tourism industry and the history of Africa, which will give you a better understanding of their significance concerning the continent’s problems and options.

Nahaufnahme einer Gottesanbeterin, die auf der Hand eines Guides sitzt

The major challenges for nature conservation today include conserving species and preserving the natural dynamics of their habitats while at the same time keeping global environmental change at bay. During your time in Southern Africa, you will discover how nature conservation really works, what measures are used and what factors can have a positive or negative influence on the development of an ecosystem.

There will be a theory test and a practical test at the end of the course. You will be given an official Apprentice Field Guide / FGASA NQF2 certificate if you pass them.

Aufnahme der Mitte eines Camps, an welcher verschiedene Pfade zu Huetten zusammenlaufen

Accom­mo­da­tion as a field guide student

During your time in the course, you will get to know one to three out of six course locations in Botswana and South Africa. In South African Makuleke you will be staying in stilt houses with access to your own bathroom. Your accommodation in the other camps will be in two-man tents with access to shared bathrooms. Each day you receive breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner.

The camp is not connected to the electricity grid but gets the power that it needs from generators. This means that you will have some ability to charge electronic devices when the generators are up and running. A laundry service is also available in return for a small fee. The camps use solar lamps and satellite telephones for emergencies, as mobile reception is quite limited or even non-existent.

Zwei Loewen Weibchen liegen kuschelnd und gaehnend im Schatten eines Baumes

Leisure time during your nature training in Africa

During the course, you will have some free time depending on your personal course schedule. However, because the course only lasts 55 days, these periods will be limited to individual days or afternoons which you can use to relax or revise. Most of your free days will come when changing camp or finishing off a course module with a test.

Depending on the camp, you will be able to play volleyball or table tennis, take a look at the library or play cards with your friends. Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional information about the current course and how to plan your free time.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Leila

“Learning is not limited to one area and goes beyond theory lessons and animal observations. You get to meet new people, different cultures and life experiences.”

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Review Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – René

“Out there is much more to discover than Facebook. I say: Do it! and we might meet because I´ll definitely go back!”

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Review Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Claudine

“Living in and with nature 24/7– it’s an experience which I will never forget and thinking back to it always lets me pause for a moment in the daily hustle and bustle.”

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Review Photos Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Matthias

Wilderness student Matthias completed the 55-day Field Guide Level 1 course in South Africa where he took some amazing wildlife pictures – and of course we'd like to share them with you:

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Review Photos Sabbatical Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Alain

As part of his sabbatical Alain joined our Field Guide course in Southern Africa. Within 55 days he was able to capture some stunning pictures of Africa's wild nature. We are happy to share some of them with you.

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Review Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Maurice

“The experiences that you make in the course in combination with what you already learned are very interesting.”

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Review Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Frederic

“I really liked the daily bush walks! You always had the chance to explore and learn something new.”

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Review Photos Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Fabian

Fabian used his sabbatical to complete our 55-days FGASA Field Guide Course in South Africa. Untouched nature, wild animals and an endless vastness – find some of his impressions here:

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Review Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Antonia

“When the elephant herd had passed, Alan, our last instructor, said “you cannot describe that experience in words, so let’s not””

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Review Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Alain

“I really loved the game walks, especially in Mashatu – beautiful landscapes with open savanna and a fascinating plant and animal life.”

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-selati-meetinghall-lecture-natucate
    1. Camp Selati

    Camp Selati is located west of the world-famous Kruger National Park. Situated directly on the banks of the Selati River, it is a wonderful observation point for numerous wild animals that cool off from the South African heat in the water of the river.
    By participating in an advanced training course in the wilderness of the Selati Game Reserve, you are choosing one of the most interesting regions on the African continent. 33,000 hectares offer plenty of space for a species-rich fauna and flora which you can immerse yourself into during daily game drives and bush walks.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-karongwe-zelt-natucate
    2. Camp Karongwe

    The South African camp Karongwe is situated at the mostly dried out riverbed of the Karongwe River, in the middle of an area of about 9000 hectares, which will impress you by its biodiversity as well as its picturesque landscapes.

    Nearby you can find the breathtaking Kruger National Park, well-known as one of the largest protected areas in South Africa. Immerse yourself into the spectacular natural landscapes during daily game drives and bush walks, experience the biodiversity of the Karongwe Game Reserve up close and expand your knowledge of the region’s unique flora and fauna under the guidance of experienced field guides.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-makuleke-entspannen-haengematte-natucate
    3. Camp Makuleke

    Camp Makuleke is located in the Pafuri region in the northern part of South Africa's Kruger National Park. A multitude of fascinating wild animals can be observed in this area and impressive areas can be admired.

    If you opt for nature-oriented further education with a stay in Makuleke, you will gain insights into the breathtaking nature of Kruger National Park and if you are lucky you can maybe spot the "Big Five": African elephant, rhino, African buffalo, lion and leopard. Hikes and game drives in open off-road vehicles enable you to experience a superb diversity of flora and fauna – a true enrichment.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-pridelands-feuerstelle-natucate
    4. Camp Pridelands

    Camp Pridelands is located in South Africa's Limpopo province and has been part of the world-famous Kruger National Park since September 2017. In Pridelands a wealth of fascinating wildlife observations can be made – from animals like elephants and lions to hyenas and if you are lucky even the African wild dog.

    As part of your educational nature adventure, you and your team will set off into the wilderness every day under the guidance of an experienced guide to acquire valuable knowledge about the flora and fauna of the region and to learn more about nature and species conservation as well as current measures and initiatives to preserve biodiversity.

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  • reiseort-suedafrika-camp-pongola-natucate
    5. Camp Pongola

    Camp Pongola is nestled into the wilderness of Pongola Game Reserve in the north-east of South Africa, near the Swaziland border. Endless green expanses and a diverse animal world are characteristic of the region. Four of the Big Five are at home at Pongola – elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhino – as well as hippos, crocodiles, hyaenas, giraffes, wildebeest, zebras, warthogs, twelve antelope species and more than 350 bird species.

    Every day, you and your team will set out into the beautiful Pongola wilderness to learn more about the unique flora and fauna and to acquire more in-depth knowledge about guiding as well as nature and species conservation.

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  • natucate-botswana-camp-mashatu-new-meru-style-tents-location
    6. Camp Mashatu

    The breathtaking Camp Mashatu is located in the Mashatu Game Reserve, part of the Northern Tuli Game Reserve in Botswana – one of the most beautiful areas in the country. The unique flora and fauna of the region promises countless unforgettable nature experiences. Here you can experience the wilderness by staying in Meru-style tents.

    As part of your advanced training adventure with Natucate, you will complete an intensive and enriching nature training course that will bring you closer to the magnificent flora and fauna of this special area every day. In particular, the Limpopo, one of Botswana's largest rivers near the Mashatu Game Reserve, has a major influence on the vegetation and occurrence of native wildlife.

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Background of the Appren­tice Field Guide course

Discover the stunning natural environment of Africa, characterised by a vast variety of species in the animal kingdom and an imposing range of vegetation and landscape formations. Our programme provides you with actual nature training, combined with real environmental protection.

The Apprentice Field Guide course (former Field Guide Level 1) will equip you with lasting knowledge! An important aspect of successful training lies in observing the environment. You will gain your first impressions on long walks and expeditions – whilst acquiring in-depth knowledge from your professionally qualified instructor.

Regardless of whether you are looking for a sabbatical, some personal eco training, or taking the first steps towards working as a ranger, you will have an unforgettable time in the African bush. You may even come across lions, leopards, and elephants roaming freely as you walk through the wilderness.


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Supporting real conservation projects worldwide through individual wilderness adventures – our ambitions, our values, our service.

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