A night shot of the starry sky in South Africa

Your trip at a glance


  • Head out on a 5-night Primitive Trail
  • Immerse yourself in the wild, expansive Kalahari
  • Travel in a small group with a maximum of 8 Natucate partic­i­pants
  • Get closer to nature - and yourself
  • Begin and end the Trail with a night in a lodge


A herd of Oryx gazella rests in the shade under a tree in the vast savannah landscape of the !Khamab Kalahari Reserve in South Africa.
!Khamab Kalahari Reservat

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

Write An Email

Daniel, your travel agent for South Africa

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Note: The price stated above is an approximate value. Due to sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of the South African Rand, the final price for this trip will be calculated at the time of enquiry based on the latest exchange rate.

A close-up of someone kneeling and picking up something from the sandy ground with his hands.
A single springbok from the Kalahari in South Africa
A travel group, packed with backpacks, is on foot in the !Khamab Kalahari Reserve.
Two bat-eared foxes (wild dog of the African savannah) stand side by side with their backs to the viewer.
A giant bustard (a large bird species) is on the ground in yellowish grasses.
An oryx stands alone in the Kalahari.
In this night shot, a headlamp casts a white bluish light on the ground. A person has lit fire to make a campfire for the Kalahari Primitive Trail night watch.
A jackal and a bird are in the shadow
A jackal (a wild dog of small, wolf-like shape) stands alone in the vastness of the savannah. Rays of light peek through the clouds in the morning red sky.

Primitive Trail in South Africa

In the middle of the untamed nature of the !Khamab Kalahari Reserve, the chance of seeing any sign of other humans is very slim - the ultimate wilderness escape!

Two springboks with curved horns stand sideways to the viewer and look at him.

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in South Africa

International flights to and from O.R. Tambo International Airport, also called Johannesburg International Airport, will be organised by you. The Natucate-team is available to advise you. If you wish to stay one night in Johannesburg to ease your arrival, these expenses are not included. On the official start date, you will depart from O.R. Tambo at 7 am and be taken by road transfer to the !Khamab Kalahari Reserve. This journey takes about seven to eight hours. Here you will spend the night before the Trail in a lodge with DBB (dinner, bed and breakfast).

The outdoor night camp on a durable surface shows a ground tarp, with air mattress and sleeping bag. Behind it, a participant sits contentedly in his folding trail chair, with his equipment beside him.

The 5-night Primitive Trail

Leaving the lodge on the second day, you go on a game drive to the starting point of the Kalahari Primitive Trail. All equipment needed will be carried in your backpack, including trail food. You will be guided by professional Wilderness Trails Guides, who each have thousands of trail hours of experience. During your time in the wilderness, you will be self-sufficient. You will set your own pace as a group and explore the area according to your interests and abilities. There are no set routes or sleeping locations. Each night is spent under the stars (no tents) in an unspoilt area, with participants sharing the responsibility of 'watch duty'.

Four metal cups are filled with a warm drink on the Kalahari Primitive Trail by a participant

The sounds of nature around you

This experience gives you the opportunity to slow down and enjoy silence. It creates space for self-reflection and grounding. An unmatched sensation is 'watch duty', where you have the chance to sit in true quiet for a few hours. It's just you, the crackling campfire and the coffee in your hand - while everyone else is sleeping to the dampened sounds of nature. However, the untouched nature offers not only peace and quiet, but also adrenaline. A crack, a howl or heavy footsteps coming closer will change your adrenaline level from one second to the next. But it's not only the night that has excitement to offer. Moving among the iconic large mammals on foot is just as thrilling.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Kalahari Primitive Trail - Review James

“I felt as if I was alive!”

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Review Trails Guide South Africa – Tadjara

“Makuleke lets you walk around like a child with wide eyes and open jaw.”

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Review Photos Trails Guide South Africa – Matthias

After taking part in the Field Guide Level 1 our wilderness student Matthias also completed the Trails Guide course in South Africa – and sent us some amazing wildlife shots we'd like to share with you of course:

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Review Photos EcoQuest South Africa – Mario

Mario took part in our EcoQuest course in South Africa where he took lots of wonderful wildlife pictures. Take a look at some of his fantastic impressions:

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  • A herd of Oryx gazella rests in the shade under a tree in the vast savannah landscape of the !Khamab Kalahari Reserve in South Africa.
    1. !Khamab Kalahari Reservat

    !Khamab Kalahari Reserve is located in north-western South Africa, within the part of the Savanna Biome called the Eastern Kalahari Bushveld Bioregion. It is situated along the Molopo River, which makes this land historically an important destination for drought-forced migration.

    The Reserve occupies 960 km² and includes three different plant communities/animal habitats: grassland, woodland and shrubland.

    Learn more

Wilder­ness experi­ence

The Kalahari Private Trail is a travel option with a positive impact. Humanity and nature are inextricably linked. An immersive experience in a wild place like the Kalahari changes how people think and behave. Knowing and experiencing nature makes people generally happier and healthier.

Leave no trace

The participants will learn a valuable lesson on resource management. You will do your best to leave no trace, since outdoor ethic state that the natural environment should not be reduced by human impact over time. To minimise the impact on the environment, choosing a suitable campsite, preferably durable surfaces such as large flat rocks, sand and gravel, is often the most crucial aspect.


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