
Your trip at a glance


  • Spend up to two weeks in Canada’s breath­taking nature
  • Discover British Columbia’s wild backcountry on horseback
  • Acquire essential horseback guide knowledge
  • Spend the nights in the Canadian wilder­ness
  • Meet people from all over the world
  • Experi­ence Canada’s incom­pa­rable landscapes


British Columbia

Horseback guide training in Canada

In this course you can enjoy a unique horseback guide training on a Western ranch in British Columbia’s untouched nature and get to know beautiful Canada on horseback.


Arrival and orien­ta­tion at the horse ranch

First of all, you fly to Vancouver International Airport and spend a night in a local hotel or hostel. The next morning an Express Shuttle brings you from Vancouver to your accommodation: a ranch a few hours north of Vancouver amidst the untouched wilderness of southwest British Columbia. After you had lunch on the ranch you will be introduced to the field of outdoor and adventure tourism and get a suitable horse – your companion for the next days.


Topics of the basic horseback guide training

You spend the following days acquiring essential skills about horse husbandry and horse care: you practice saddling, bridling, and hoof care. You also learn special techniques for packing, guiding and leading your horse and you practice bareback riding. Furthermore, you get to know important safety rules and acquire cooking skills for living in remote wilderness settings.
On the fourth day (one-week course) or respectively on the seventh day (two-week course) you leave for your packtrip adventure for several days that leads you through ancient forests, wild flower meadows, wide open valleys and impressive mountain landscapes.


Die kommenden Tage reitet Ihr von Camp zu Camp und werdet währenddessen mit wesentlichen Outdoor-Fertigkeiten wie dem Feuermachen, der Errichtung von Schutzständen, der Wasser- und Nahrungsbeschaffung sowie Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen und Überlebensstrategien in der Wildnis vertraut gemacht. Dabei seid Ihr in ständiger Begleitung eines erfahrenen Guides, der seinen Erfahrungsschatz mit Euch teilt und wertvolles Pferde-, Outdoor und Naturwissen an Euch weitergibt.
Am letzten Tag reitet ihr zurück zur Ranch, um nach einem gemeinsamen Abschiedsessen um zahlreiche neue Kenntnisse reicher den Rückweg anzutreten.


Accom­mo­da­tion in British Columbia

During the first days of your Wilderness Experience you live on a horse and guest ranch amidst the wild nature of southwest British Columbia together with other participants of the course where you sleep in tents. On the ranch you receive three meals every day. The wilderness area that surrounds the ranch measures 5000 square kilometers, belongs to the ranch itself and is the setting for your upcoming ride.
After a couple of days – in the one-week course on the fourth day; in the two-week course on the seventh day – you leave for the Canadian wilderness and sleep in a wilderness camp. These are located far away from the usual tourist trails and can range from big canvas tents to rustic mountain huts. All necessary food items are carried by you and your group and are either prepared in one of the camps or on the way.


Leisure time as a guide student in North America

As the focus of this course is on your horseback guide training, free time is relatively limited. Usually you can use the evening hours for relaxing and pursuing own activities, though. There is also a ranch library; and you can use deck chairs to relax in the large garden.

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Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Tobias

“After a small meal we went on our first game drive. For me it was the very first time out in the African bush and I immediately fell in love with it.”

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Review Professional Field Guide Africa – Marc Aurel

“The experiences you can gain are unique – especially when roaming the bush on foot.”

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Review Volunteering Sri Lanka – Thomas

“I especially liked the great team on site and visiting Wasgamuwa National Park.”

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Review Volunteering Maldives – Markus

“The volunteer team worked great and the support from Clara, Shameel and Basith was very good.”

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  • reiseorte-kanada-british-columbia-vancouver-natucate
    1. British Columbia

    British Columbia is a Canadian province located on the Pacific coast between Canada's provinces of Yukon and Alberta and the United States. Vancouver is the largest city and at the same time the largest economic centre.

    First and foremost, forests dominate the 944,735 km² of British Columbia. The abundance of species that can be found here attracts countless travellers every year. Bears, elks, bobcats, wolves, pumas and lots of other wildlife can be seen with a bit of luck in the midst of the breathtaking wilderness – the perfect destination for every nature and outdoor enthusiast.
    British Columbia's pristine natural landscapes will be your home during your educational adventure in Canada.

    Learn more

Background of the horseback guide course in Canada

Thanks to its huge forests, picturesque fjords, numerous lakes, rough coasts, high glaciers, and a rich fauna, Canada is a perfect setting for an impressive nature experience. In this course you are at close quarters with Canada’s beautiful nature and discover the majestic mountain ranges and wide valleys of the second largest country in the world on horseback. The breathtaking flora and fauna provides optimal conditions for an unforgettable training adventure in the North American wilderness.


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