Volunteering Asia: Join Our Asia Volunteer Programs
Become a volunteer in Thailand, Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka or the Philippines and support conservation programs and animal charities in Asia.
Volunteer Asia
Asia volunteer programs: Become a volunteer in Asia and help protect endangered species and animals in need as part of an international team.
As a meaningful short trip or as part of your gap year travel in Southeast Asia: As a volunteer in our projects in Asia, you and other voluntary helpers can work together for the good while getting to know fascinating landscapes and cultures. Become an Eco volunteer in Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and other countries in Asia and spend an unforgettable time abroad, dedicated to species conservation and animal welfare.
Highlights of your time as a volunteer in Asia:
Why volunteer work in Asia?
Even though Asia’s economy is continuously growing, the helping hands of dedicated volunteers are still in demand in many sectors. Particularly, social charity work but also wildlife conservation and animal welfare is where you can become active.
Species conservation in Asia
Due to geographical and climatic conditions, numerous countries in Asia are home to fascinating and often rare animal and plant species – some nations are considered as true biodiversity hotspots. But factors like climate change, human-wildlife-conflict or environmental pollution effect the population levels of many species and often put them at risk. In order to contribute to preserving Asia’s biodiversity, volunteers can join several species conservation projects and support researching and preserving endangered species like Asian elephants or orangutans.
Animal welfare in Asia
As in many countries of the world, there are lots of neglected and exploited animals which need a voice. While animal protection has received only little to no attention in Asia within the past, awareness for animal welfare is constantly growing now. As a volunteer you can support this change and become active in taking care for animals in need.
Social charity work in Asia – what to consider
You would like to work with people and support social charity work in Asia? Those who are researching for humanitarian projects in Asia will quickly notice that there are countless opportunities to give something back to our society, especially in orphanages. At Natucate, we strongly advise against getting involved in those institutions and speak out against this so-called “orphanage tourism”.
Oftentimes infants and young children are bought off their needy families to rouse the sympathy of international volunteers in false “orphanages”. As it is difficult to get solid facts and background checks about humanitarian projects, we at Natucate decided to exclude any kind of children’s aid projects from our portfolio.
Natucate volunteer opportunities in Asia
Natucate offers you some of the best volunteer programs in Asia and gives you the chance to become active in animal welfare and species conservation. Learn more about our Asian volunteer opportunities.
Animal volunteering in Southeast Asia
Volunteer Thailand
Travel to Thailand’s island of Ko Lanta and help take care of street dogs and cats in need. Your volunteer work in Southeast Asia enables you to gain insights into the daily business of an Asian animal shelter. Daily feedings, cleaning, assisting in medical check-ups but also simply spending time with the animals belong to your tasks in this Southeast Asia volunteer program.
Wildlife conservation in Asia
Conservation opportunities in Asia: Natucate gives you the chance to spend a life-enhancing time as a conservation volunteer in different countries across Asia.
Volunteer Indonesia
As a volunteer in Indonesia, you can help protect Borneo’s mighty Sabangau Forest and with it the wildlife that lives in it, like orangutans and other primates. Installing and analyzing camera traps, monitoring and community work belong to your main tasks and lead you into the fascinating depths of Borneo’s rainforest.
Elephant conservation in Sri Lanka
When volunteering in Sri Lanka, you and your team will focus on the protection of the Asian elephant. Like many of its African relatives, the Asian elephants is strongly influenced by the human-wildlife-conflict. Through direct and indirect field research and working together with local communities you can help mitigate this conflict – at the same time, you immerse yourself deep into the island nation’s awe-inspiring nature and colourful culture.
Conservation in the Maldives
Whale shark conservation in the Maldives: As a volunteer in the Maldives, you contribute to the protection of the largest living fish on earth, the whale shark. Take the leap and swim together with these gentle giants to take ID shots and other data which are vital for developing specific conservation measures. In one of the most beautiful places on earth, surrounded by the waters of the Indian Ocean and stunning wildlife, you can actively contribute to preserving marine life.
Marine conservation in the Philippines
Last but not least, our volunteer opportunity in the Philippines enable you to get an insight into marine conservation. Based on Panaon Island in the province of Southern Leyte, you help protect local coral reefs and their inhabitants through extensive data collection. Regular dives give you the chance to experience Southeast Asia’s breathtaking underwater world from up close. You are either a qualified diver yet, or you obtain the necessary diving qualification on site in the Philippines, right before the actual project work starts.
Join our Asia volunteering projects and support conservation programmes and animal charities in Southeast Asia. Our team at Natucate is happy to assist you and will provide you with the best Asia trip support.

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Supporting real conservation projects worldwide through individual wilderness adventures – our ambitions, our values, our service.