Volunteering in Africa: A male lion in South Africa's savannah

Your trip at a glance


  • Contribute to wildlife conser­va­tion in South Africa
  • Work together with an inter­na­tional volunteer team
  • Dedicate yourself to protecting nature and wild animals
  • Join special training units and acquire essential bush skills
  • Become involved in research activ­i­ties, instructed by experi­enced conser­va­tion­ists
  • Experi­ence the pristine nature of South Africa’s Western Cape region


Western Cape
Zwei Loewen, die Top-Prädatoren in ihrem Lebensraum sind, stehen Seite an Seite im Gebuesch und blicken mit offenen Mäulern in dieselbe Richtung.
Freiwilligenarbeit in Afrika: Eine afrikanische Antilope der Ellipsen Wasserbock Art in der Wildnis von Suedafrika
Ein Streifengnu, auch als Blaues Gnu bezeichnet, steht als Grasfresser in offenen Steppen Afrikas mit Bergen im Hintergrund.
Voluntary helpers in South Africa dedicating themselves protecting endangered wildlife
Ein grauer Riese. Ein Afrikanischer Elefant als Rüsseltier beim Fressen.
Ein einzelnes Nilpferd, das im Freiwilligenprojekt in Mosselbay gesichtet wurde.
Freiwil­li­gen­ar­beit Südafrika: Das Mossel Bay Arten­schutz Projekt hat eine Gruene Meerkatze der Primatengattung in einem Baum gesichtet.
Ein eigentlich geselliger Afrikanische Elefant (Loxodonta africana) ist hier alleine zusehen.
Ein Pool mit schönem Ausblick bietet Raum zur entspannung
Eine Paarhufer Giraffe sengt ihren langen Hals, sodass ihr Kopf runter bis auf Brusthöhe kommt.

Volunteering in the Western Cape

By participating in this volunteer project in South Africa you get the chance to make an active contribution to preserving the country’s unique flora and fauna and to acquire essential skills and knowledge in the fields of species conservation and wildlife management.

Volunteers on a game walk in South Africa experience a giraffe encounter

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Mossel Bay

After your arrival at George Airport in South Africa, a staff member of our partner will pick you up and transfer you to your accommodation near Mossel Bay. Once at the facility you will meet your team and be given a tour of the accommodation as well as appropriate introductions and instructions for the remainder of the day. The next day you will partake in an Orientation and Safety Introduction meeting. The third day after your arrival, field operations will begin. After you’ve finished the project a staff member will drop you off at George Airport.

Conservation volunteers in South Africa learnabout the African flora and fauna

Volunteer activ­i­ties in Southern Africa

As volunteers you will be involved in various conservation activities and initiatives. These are based on previously founded ecological and cognitive knowledge to better improve the welfare of current and future wildlife in Southern Africa.

The African bush is a dynamic and constantly changing environment, so that work on the projects depends entirely on the movements and activities of the animals under observation and the prevailing weather conditions.


Engage in a diverse range of impactful initiatives, from conducting wildlife monitoring and gathering crucial data on endangered white rhinos to maintaining reserves and conducting vital amphibian research. Additionally, contribute to fence monitoring efforts aimed at mitigating human-wildlife conflicts and safeguarding public roads from potentially deadly wildlife accidents.

Enhancing your expertise, survival, and bush skills training sessions are seamlessly integrated into your schedule, enriching your experience and equipping you with valuable tools for conservation endeavors.

Ein einzelnes Nilpferd, das im Freiwilligenprojekt in Mosselbay gesichtet wurde.

A typical day in the project starts roughly at 7:00 am. After breakfast at the accommodation you and your team will depart for field work in the reserve (usually at around 08:15/08:30 am). Long-term experienced conservationists will teach you valuable research skills or conduct certain training units with you.

Around 12:30 pm work will be paused for a short lunch break and siesta. After you have finished data collection, training and data entry in the afternoon, you will return to your apartment and can relax for the rest of the evening.


Accom­mo­da­tion during the volunteer project

During your time as a volunteer you and other volunteers will stay in a shared apartment complex at the Hartenbos Seafront near Mossel Bay, located at South Africa’s Southern coast.

You will sleep in dormitories and share bathrooms. In the apartment complex you’ll receive breakfast; while being out in the field you’ll be provided with lunch.


Take charge of orchestrating weekend lunches and daily dinners, giving you the flexibility to utilize your apartment's self-catering kitchen for meal preparation or savor delectable dining experiences at one of the many beachfront restaurants.

Nestled within a secure and restricted-access facility, just a stone's throw away from the beach, shops, restaurants, hiking trails, museums, and cultural attractions, your accommodation ensures convenience and comfort. Additionally, indulge in complimentary amenities such as free WiFi, a swimming pool, and the convenience of an on-site restaurant and bar.

Wildlife in South Africa: Two lion cubs are sitting in the african savannah

Leisure time as a volunteer in South Africa

In the evening and on the weekend there won’t be any project work and you can use this time for your own activities. Since your accommodation is located in Hartenbros, not far away from Mossel Bay, you have the chance to take part in lots of leisure activities such as cultural excursions, tourism activities, local experiences and travel. There are more than 80 different activities that can be booked for weekends and downtime (which are subject to availability and seasonality and include: surf lessons, whale watching, sandboarding, horseback safaris and visiting South African national parks).

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Eine freiwillige Helferin fuehrt Messungen durch
Gap Year Suedafrika: Eine Gruppe Zebras direkt neben der Schotterstrasse
Review Volunteering South Africa Zululand – Greta

“Among all these animals you get to see, the landscapes and sunrises in the park are simply stunning.”

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Review Photos Field Guide Level 1 South Africa – Matthias

Wilderness student Matthias completed the 55-day Field Guide Level 1 course in South Africa where he took some amazing wildlife pictures – and of course we'd like to share them with you:

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Review Photos Volunteering South Africa Zululand – Celina

Celina joined our conservation project in South Africa and helped protect endangered wildlife species. Here we would like to share some of her wonderful impressions with you.

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Review Photos Sabbatical South Africa Zululand – Silvia

During her sabbatical Silvia also joined our endangered species project in South Africa. Here you can enjoy her amazing images and become part of her journey:

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-westkap-mossel-bay-meer-natucate
    1. Western Cape

    Western Cape is a province of South Africa, located in the southwest of the Republic. It borders both the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Its capital is Cape Town. In particular, a visit to the countless national parks and nature reserves reveals the scenic diversity and biodiversity of the Western Cape.

    Numerous representatives of the African animal world can be found in Western Cape – on land and underwater. In addition to the rich fauna, the diverse flora of the region can also be admired, as it is home to the world-famous Fynbos biome, an ecological zone divided into different types of vegetation.

Purpose of the Western Cape conser­va­tion project

South Africa is renowned for the variety of species which live there. Apart from regions as the famous Kruger National Park, the southwestern province Western Cape is a true biodiversity hotspot.

Our partner’s conservation project aims at preserving the manifold flora and fauna of the country and focuses exclusively on ethical wildlife conservation and research as well as collaborating with local people. Education and information are supposed to contribute to containing the human wildlife conflict and to promote a peaceful co-existence between human beings and animals.

The project unfolds its work in a free roaming reserve of 11,000 ha, located in South Africa’s impressive province Western Cape in the country’s southwest. Here you cannot only witness an incredibly rich fauna but also the region’s amazing flora as the reserve is situated in the midst of the unique Fynbos Biome, an ecoregion comprising different vegetation types.
By involving volunteers from all over the world the projects gets the support it needs and earns – furthermore, by imparting crucial conservation knowledge, it ensures an increased awareness of the world’s need to be sustainably protected and therefore helps to promote a sustainable and wildlife friendly future.


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