
Your trip at a glance


  • Broaden your knowledge in Peru’s fasci­nating rainforest
  • Study the tropical insect species of the Amazon Basin
  • Famil­iarise yourself with essential methods of data collec­tion and recording
  • Discover the jungle on fasci­nating nocturnal hikes and boat trips
  • Be part of an inter­na­tional research group
  • Experi­ence the flora and fauna of the Amazon rainforest


Amazon Rainforest
Ein Student eines Rangerkurses laeuft ueber eine Haengebruecke im Regenwald
Ein Kaefer dient der Insektenforschung waehrend einer Rangerausbildung
Eine Stabheuschrecke dient zur Insektenkunde auf einer Forschungsstation in Peru
Eine grosse Huette dient als Forschungsstation fuer die Naturausbildung im peruanischen Regenwald
Ein Falter dient der Insektenforschung bei einer Rangerschulung im Regenwald Perus
Die Studenten des Rangerkurses posieren nach einem Trip durch den Regenwald

Research course on insects in Peru

As a participant in this research course you immerse yourself into the world of reptiles and amphibians in the Peruvian Amazon Basin and, in this way, receive a fascinating training surrounded by the South American rainforest.

Drei Studentinnen posieren im Rahmen einer Rangertour im Regenwald

Arrival and orien­ta­tion at the project site in Peru

A team member from the course will pick you up at Puerto Maldonado International Airport and take you to your first research station of the project, located in the Madre de Dios region in southeastern Peru. This will be your home for the next few days before you will make your way to the second station, situated at the foot of the Andes, about one week later.

Ein Ranger erklaert anhand von Zeichnungen die verschiedenen Pflanzenarten des peruanischen Regenwaldes

Topics of the research course in South America

During the course you will be actively involved in research. The course focuses on two main areas: providing you with advanced training in the areas of insect diversity, physiology and ecology, and training you in research methods and nature conservation measures. You will also be given an introduction to the wide-ranging topic of the aquatic and on land habitats of the insects. The course is as active as possible, so you will spend most of the time researching outside in the treetops or at the bottom of an oxbow lake. The course also involves some literature related to theoretical and applied tropical biology and entomology, as well as species and nature conservation. You will be given a certificate confirming that you took part in the course once it is finished.

Eine grosse Huette dient als Forschungsstation fuer die Naturausbildung im peruanischen Regenwald

Accom­mo­da­tion in the Peruvian rainforest

During your stay in the course you will reside in two research stations in the midst of the Amazon rainforest. In both research stations you will share dormitories and bathrooms with other course participants. During the day you will be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ein Insekt auf einem Blatt bei der Insektenkunde eines Rangerkurses

Leisure time as an entomology student

In between there is always time for own activities. It is advisable to bring some TV series, movies and books. Relax together with your fellow course participants or simply enjoy the nature that surrounds your accommodation.

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“The time in the project was the best time we ever had. We had many new experiences and learned so much about North Island and nature conservation (...).”

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Review Volunteering New Zealand – Simon

“Three exciting months full of new experiences. Even though it did not go all as it was planned, I had a wonderful time and I learned a lot.”

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Review Volunteering Maldives – Roland

“The whole experience was intense and accompanied by mixed feelings, i.e. "bittersweet". The encounters with a multitude of animals at close range were always unique, at the same time our "footprint" in the form of pollution, dead corals, injured animals and unregulated tourism is unfortunately omnipresent.”

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Review Volunteering Namibia – Sabrina

“Of course, observing the desert elephants was a great experience. However, I will never forget falling asleep under the incredibly beautiful starry sky, which was an absolute highlight for me.”

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  • reiseorte-peru-amazonas-regenwald-natucate
    1. Amazon Rainforest

    About 13% of the approximately 5,500,000 km² Amazon rainforest is located in Peru. As in other countries in South America where the Amazon rainforest is found, the Amazon rainforest in Peru is a real biodiversity hotspot due to its many endemic animal and plant species.

    The avifauna in particular is one of the richest in species worldwide. With over 1800 species, more birds live here than in Europe and North America together. But also large numbers of insects, reptiles and mammals can be found in the green depths and make the jungle of Peru an absolute must-see for all South American travellers and nature lovers.

    Learn more

Background of the insect course in Peru

This research course in the astonishing Peruvian rainforest will allow you to interact actively with the nature and its inhabitants. The rainforests of southeastern Peru shelter more species of plants, insects and other animals than almost anywhere else. This beautiful region is home to over 1.300 species of butterflies. Research shows that almost 700 butterfly species are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss. Experience Peru’s unique nature – Natucate the World.


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