
Volun­teering Zambia – Nellie

Volunteering in Africa: For three weeks, Nellie made an active contribution to protecting endangered desert elephants in Zambia. In her report, she reveals more about her time in Africa.

Ein Gewässer, in dem sich umliegende Pflangen spiegeln und ein blauer Himmel
Ein Überblick über verschiedene Elefanten in und um eine Wasserstelle

The 3 weeks in the volunteer project in Zambia were 3 incredibly colourful, diverse, eventful weeks full of unforgettable moments.
Every day was different and extraordinary.

We gained insights into very different areas: the rehabilitation of orphaned elephants and elephant research, collecting and evaluating biodiversity in different various national parks, and educating children in schools about
(about wildlife, species and conservation, as well as about human-wildlife conflicts and how they can be minimised) and supporting women in Woman Empowerment groups.

My time in Zambia was so varied, and it was great to learn about wildlife protection, conservation and community work.

I am so grateful for all the heartfelt moments during this time! For the magical encounters with the little orphaned elephants, the children during the school visits, the women of the Woman Empowerment Groups, the nature, culture and people of Zambia, the great team on-site and the other volunteers.

It was a great three weeks that will stay in my heart forever.

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