
Your trip at a glance


  • Learn first-hand how the Peruvian Amazon is being protected and explored
  • Get hands-on training in ecosystem monitoring, explo­ration and conser­va­tion
  • Collect valuable infor­ma­tion yourself
  • Contribute to a positive impact on the rainforest
  • Better under­stand the human impact on the Amazon rainforest
  • Live in an isolated research station with a sustain­able, environ­men­tally friendly lifestyle
  • Work with volun­teers and research lovers from all over the world
  • As a student: gain practical experi­ence, carry out your scien­tific research or write your final thesis


Amazon Rainforest
The Interoceanic Highway or Rodovia do Pacifico was built to connect Brazil with Peru. The motorway passes through Puerto Maldonado and crosses the Rio Madre de Dios on a 722 m viaduct, the Puente Continental or Continental Bridge (formerly Billinghurst).
Puerto Maldonado

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Airport pick up and drop off

Write An Email

Meghan, your travel expert for Peru

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more about this journey! I answer all of your questions and assist you before, during and after your adventure abroad.

Zusehen ist der Kopf eines Faultiers, das einen Baumstamm umklammert vor einem unscharfen hellgrünen Hintergrund.
Zwei Personen stehen mit dem Rücken zueinander und machen Fotos vom Amazonas Regenwald in Peru
Ein Bungalow aus Holz auf Stelzen im dicht gewachsenem Regenwald
In dieser Nachtaufnahme ist der Hintergrund komplett schwarz. In der Mitte des Bildes ist ein ausgebreiteter Fledermaus-Flügel, der von hinten mit einer Taschenlampe durchleuchtet wird und somit darstellt, wie dünn die Haut des Tieres hier ist.
Die gemischte Gruppe von Teilnehmern des Freiwilligenprojektes im Amazonas Regenwald sitzt aufgereiht auf einem umgefallenen Baumstamm.
Zu sehen ist ein Kauz aus dem Amazonas Regenwald in einem Baum bei Nacht.
Drei Mitglieder des internationalen Teams der Forschungsstation in Peru sitzen am gemeinsamen Essenstisch und genießen eine Mahlzeit.
Zwei kleine Margays Raubkatzen sitzen in einem Baum in peruanischen Regenwald.
Zu sehen ist ein Tayra (Eira barbara), welches im peruanischen Regenwald gesichtet wurde.
Der Gemeinschaftsraum der biologischen Station in Peru verfügt über Stühle, Pflanzen, eine Karte und einem Zugang zur Küche.
Ein Volunteer steht in der Gemeinschaftsküche der Forschungsstation in Peru und beteiligt sich an der Essenszubereitung.
Sechs schwarz weiß gestreifte, haarige, gradlinige Raupen sammeln sich auf einem Baumstamm im Amazonas Regenwald in Peru.
Eine gut getrante Boa Schlange schlängelt sich durch das braune Laub auf dem Boden des Regenwaldes in Peru.
In dem Schlafzimmer der Freiwilligen-Unterkunft in Peru stehen Hochbetten bereit.
Ein gelbes Totenkopfäffchen aus Peru springt mit gestreckten Armen oberhalb des Fotografen aus einem Baum und ist in seiner Flugphase mit dem blauen Himmeln im Hintergrund zusehen.
Zwei Edessa rufomarginata Wanzen, mit ihrem Grünen Panzer und orangen Körper, Beinen und Fühlern, befinden sich auf einem Ast in Peru.
Ein Freiwilligenhelfer der Forschungsstation durchquert einen Sumpf.

Volunteering or internship in Peru

In the project at the Biological Station in Peru, you will have the opportunity to actively support ongoing long-term studies and monitoring to protect the habitat of species such as the black spider monkey. You will gain practical experience in the Amazon rainforest and support the conservation activities of our partner.

At the same time, you experience an isolated lifestyle that affects nature as little as possible and brings you back to your roots.

Eine Gruppe aus Freiwilligen, Studenten und Forschern durchqueren einen Sumpf zur Regenzeit. Das braune Wasser steht ihnen bis zur Körpermitte. Sie sind umgeben von grünen Pflanzen des Regenwaldes in Südamerika.

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Peru

After your self-organised arrival at Padre Aldamiz International Airport in Peru, we recommend that you spend one night in a hotel/hostel. Most volunteers arrive with a stopover, which makes the journey much more relaxed. Every Wednesday or Sunday, the research station staff will pick up the volunteers by boat in Puerto Maldonado and take them to the research station. When you arrive, our partner will introduce you to the people at the station and how they live and work. Then you can decide whether you want to participate in an activity or rest.


Research activ­i­ties in the rainforest

You follow a set work plan and usually spend an average of 6-8 hours per day in the rainforest, depending on the activity. We will support you and help you where you need us. It is important to know that some activities will take place early in the morning or late in the evening. Sometimes you will spend a whole day in the forest. Activities include clearing trails with a machete, collecting data using camera traps, assisting with behavioural studies, walking mammal transects, assessing vegetation patches and assisting with topical surveys. Also, some activities will require more physical energy from you than others.

Die offene Wander der Freiwilligen Unterkunft in Peru erlaubt eine Aussicht in den Amazonas-Regenwald.

Accom­mo­da­tion for volun­teers and interns

The main house is a communal area with a well-equipped kitchen, dining room, library, work area, laundry room, outdoor showers and toilets, hammocks and four bungalows with private bathrooms. You will be responsible for cleaning your shared room and bathroom. You will participate in the cleaning of the common areas and help to unload the boat with all the supplies and bring them to the station. All people living in the ward take part in the communal meals and take turns preparing them.

Zwei Freiwilligenhelferinnen der Forschungsstation in Peru verbringen ihre Freizeit gemeinsam in einer der Hängematten.

Leisure during your stay abroad

After dinner, around 8 pm, there is time for board games, films, relaxation and conversation. Occasionally, there are also classes or presentations at this time. One day a week is usually for resting. You have the opportunity to visit the city every two weeks for one night at the weekend at your own expense. Here you will find hotels, restaurants, shops and internet access. There is also Wifi at the project site.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Volunteering Peru - Sina

“The warmth of the Peruvian biology researchers is something I remember particularly positively.”

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Review Volunteering Peru - Mira

“The time in the rainforest was also wonderful, there was always something fascinating to see or hear.”

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Review Internship Abroad Peru – Lydia

“But not only did I adapt, I even learned to love it. I fell in love with the forest, the animals, and the green and for the first time I had the feeling that my work was contributing something valuable to the world. [...] I recommend this project to anyone who is looking for a special challenge, beautiful nature or professional prospects.”

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Review Volunteering Peru - Juliana

“My expectations were more than fulfilled!”

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  • reiseorte-peru-amazonas-regenwald-natucate
    1. Amazon Rainforest

    About 13% of the approximately 5,500,000 km² Amazon rainforest is located in Peru. As in other countries in South America where the Amazon rainforest is found, the Amazon rainforest in Peru is a real biodiversity hotspot due to its many endemic animal and plant species.

    The avifauna in particular is one of the richest in species worldwide. With over 1800 species, more birds live here than in Europe and North America together. But also large numbers of insects, reptiles and mammals can be found in the green depths and make the jungle of Peru an absolute must-see for all South American travellers and nature lovers.

    Learn more

  • The Interoceanic Highway or Rodovia do Pacifico was built to connect Brazil with Peru. The motorway passes through Puerto Maldonado and crosses the Rio Madre de Dios on a 722 m viaduct, the Puente Continental or Continental Bridge (formerly Billinghurst).
    2. Puerto Maldonado

    Puerto Maldonado has been used as a starting point for expeditions into the green depths since the exploration of the Amazon rainforest. Due to the direct proximity to the rainforest, a lot can be experienced and seen there. Whether in luxurious rainforest camps or elementary jungle base camps - some of the adventurous expeditions start from here by boat, by car or on foot into the fascinating and breathtaking Amazon world.

Background of the research station in Peru

Our partner aims to protect the Peruvian forest and ensure its conservation through activities compatible with nature conservation, such as ecotourism, education and research. To do this, they use methods such as monitoring and research programmes that are accessible to everyone. Our partner works in a concession area of about 200 ha, which has been designated as a nature reserve by the Peruvian government.

Participants can learn about and support conservation efforts here. Our partner aims to make the basics of nature research accessible to everyone by offering training and field experiences related to conservation. Their data collection methods are standardised, so you can also use this data for your study or final report. As a volunteer, you will help our partner with essential activities and research they are doing. Don't be afraid to assist in the biological station. Of course, our partner works very conscientiously, but we believe everyone can contribute somehow. As a student or intern, you can also research other topics, and our partner can help you with your scientific project and fieldwork.


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