
Intern­ship Abroad Peru – Aida

Internship abroad in South America: Our intern Aida dedicated herself to researching primates in Peru's magical Amazon rainforest. Learn more about her experience as a conservation intern



Name: Aida

Age: 22

Project: Internship Abroad Peru – Primates Sensory Perception

Location: Amazon Rainforest, Peru

Duration: Beginning until end of June 2019 – 3 weeks


Support from the Natucate team:


Project Partner:


Internship abroad in Peru – Four questions for Aida

1) Could you give us a brief overview of your activities during the internship?

My group, the Sensory Ecology team, was mainly concerned with the question of whether primate individuals in a group recognise each other by the smell of urine and whether they recognise the breeding status of the individual.
My tasks were quite varied! In the morning we went out into the rainforest and filled the little traps for the monkeys with bananas. Afterwards, we focused on a so-called "Stake Out" – this means that we observed which groups of monkeys come to which traps, whether new individuals had joined the group and whether there are new young ones. When monkeys were captured, various samples were taken and then processed in the laboratory.


2) What were the biggest challenges for you during the internship?

Since you adapt to the daily rhythm of the monkeys, you have to get up very early. But you get used to it.

3) Was there something you liked most? Or something you remember particularly negatively?

I found it particularly great to have the opportunity to gain an insight into each team’s work. Although I had registered for Sensory Ecology, I was also allowed to join the group "Wildlife Handling" for a few days. So you got a little taste of all areas!

4) Have you done anything in your free time that you can recommend to future participants?
My recommendation: Always go out, even during your free time, and discover many fascinating animals in the rainforest – it’s amazing!


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