
Field guide training: Fish – Part 4

As a future nature guide you should have an essential knowledge about fish. The following blog post reveals further information about the hunting behaviour of fish. Learn more

Naturguideausbildung: Ein Schwarm von Scherenschwanz-Sergeant-Fischen auf den Seychellen

Fish have highly developed sense organs, the so-called lateral line system which enables them to detect small movements in the water. This is not only useful for orientation and swarm intelligence but also for hunting.

Like all other animal species, fish also differ in their feeding behaviour:

  1. Predators (Räuberhunters)
  2. Omnivores (eating everything)
  3. Herbivores (eating plants)
Rangerkurs: Ein Schwarm von Halfterfischen

These types of fish can be distinguished from each other by the form of their mouth and lips and the existence of teeth. Predator fish for example often have very sharp teeth, while herbivores have small edgeless teeth and very thick lips to graze algae or bacteria from the ground. Opposite from other mammals or birds, fish are constantly searching for food. Instead of sleeping, fish take many short breaks for resting which are spread over the day. Furthermore, fish do not have a feeling of satiety which means their drive to eat is never satisfied.

When joining a field guide course in Africa, for example our Marine Guide training in South Africa's Eastern Cape, you get the chance to get to the world of fish up close and to gain valuable background knowledge. Take a look at our pages or reach out to our team. We are happy to provide you with comprehensive information regarding our different guide courses and help you plan your unforgettable wilderness adventure in Southern Africa.

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