Looking over the lush green hilly landscape in New Zealand, grazing sheep in the foreground

Your trip at a glance


  • Actively contribute to sustain­ably conserve New Zealand’s pristine nature
  • Work together with volun­teers from all over the world
  • Get to know different spots of the country in an incom­pa­rable way
  • Experi­ence the unique flora and fauna from up close


Volunteers at work in New Zealand's vas backcountry to conserve the country's natural landscape
Looking over the lush green hilly landscape in New Zealand, grazing sheep in the foreground
Looking over Lake Pukaki in New Zealand, snow-covered Mount Cook in the backround
Looking over a lake in New Zealand; A forrest and an mountainrange in the backround
The Moeraki Boulders on New Zealands coast, the Pacific Ocean in the backround
New Zealand's Pancake Rocks in the soft light of the evening sun

Volunteering in New Zealand

As a volunteer in this project you experience New Zealand’s rich flora and fauna and help protect the country’s natural beauty and conserve unique habitats.

Two volunteers in New Zealand planting seedlings to conserve the country's natural areas

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in New Zealand

Your start your volunteer work in New Zealand with an information event that takes place Friday at 11 AM in the corresponding office of our partners in Auckland, Wellington, or Punakaiki (via Christchurch). The volunteers are assigned to various projects depending on the current needs. In the seminar, you will learn everything you need to know about the project such as what to expect when you are there, what security precautions need to be taken, and how to behave appropriately at the site. You should make sure to arrive early so that you do not miss this seminar. Afterwards, you can enjoy your first weekend in New Zealand, explore the city, and shake off your jet lag.

Looking over a lake in New Zealand; A forrest and an mountainrange in the backround

Volunteer activ­i­ties in New Zealand

On Monday morning, you will meet the other members of your group and head off with them to the project site. During the project, you will generally work Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. In general, the projects run for one to two weeks, but if the project site is more remote, then you may be staying there for ten days. In this case, you will have several extra days off. The projects end on a Friday afternoon so that you can spend the following weekend any way you want.
In groups of six to ten volunteers, you will carry out small projects in various regions. You'll plant trees in nature reserves and thus help to preserve the habitat of the endangered kiwi or help to maintain hiking trails. In addition, you may be taking part in conducting field studies for projects dedicated to researching endangered species. Cleaning up beaches and taking care of cultural heritage sites in New Zealand may also be part of your responsibilities.

A conservation volunteer standing on New Zealand's coast and looking over the blue ocean

Accom­mo­da­tion as a volunteer in New Zealand

Where you will be accommodated depends on the particular project and its location. You may have a bed in a shared room in a hostel, in a hut, or in a caravan, and in some cases you may be sleeping in a tent. The accommodation in which you will be living with your international team are located in most cases directly on the project site. During your working hours and on the weekends, you will be provided three daily meals that will be prepared by you and the members of your team.

New Zealand's Pancake Rocks in the soft light of the evening sun

Leisure time during the conser­va­tion project

If you decide to take an extended time off between two projects, then we recommend you take a tour around to fully enjoy the fascinating beauty of the country. You can visit some of the countless number of protected natural environments in the national parks and see hot springs, geysers, and glaciers or explore the fjords on the South Island.

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Auslandsaufenthalt in Neuseeland: Eine Bucht mit Blick auf den Pazifik
Blick auf den offenen Ozean und die aufgehende Sonne
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Sandra

“Living simply, taking care of each other, growing together as a team, testing limits. This all gave me so much positive energy, which I do not want to miss.”

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Volunteere bei einer Verpflegungspause von der Arbeit
Ein eingerolltes Farnblatt im Vordergrund der restlichen Pflanze
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Melanie

“Ich habe meine Zeit in Neuseeland sehr genossen. Es ist ein wunderschönes, interessantes Land.”

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Blick auf den Pazifik und einer weiteren Insel
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Arde

“I was able to improve my English, witnessed unique landscapes and a fascinating flora and fauna, which I had never seen before.”

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Ein freiwilliger Helfer bei der Arbeit	Zum Erhalt des Naturschutzes entfernt ein Freiwilliger mehrere kleine Baueme
Volunteering in Neuseeland: Ein Ziegensittich frisst Fuuter aus einer dafuer befetsigten Futterstelle
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Simon

“Three exciting months full of new experiences. Even though it did not go all as it was planned, I had a wonderful time and I learned a lot.”

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  • reiseorte-neuseeland-auckland-simon-natucate
    1. Auckland

    Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, is a lively centre for excellent restaurants, music, arts and culture – and also offers beautiful beaches and fantastic hiking trails.

  • reiseorte-neuseeland-christchurch-natucate
    2. Christchurch

    The „Garden City of New Zealand“ promises a colourful mix of historic elegance and modern culture. It is not by chance that the gate to the South Island is a popular travel destination.

  • reiseorte-neuseeland-wellington-simon-natucate
    3. Wellington

    The capital of New Zealand is nestled between the cosy harbour and soft green hills and is an ideal destination for all arts and culture lovers.

Purpose of the volunteer project in New Zealand

New Zealand’s natural environment is one of the most unusual on the planet. Due to its isolated position, a large number of endemic (i.e. species which only exist in one region) animal and plant species have developed on the island nation over millions of years. From the flightless kiwi and curious kea to huge elephant seals and cranky penguins, the wildlife has fascinated visitors and residents alike. Primal fern forests and mighty kauri trees, which can be up to 2000 years old, will carry you away into a strange world.
Because New Zealand has no native land mammals, birds have taken up a number of their ecological niches. Flightless birds such as the kakapo parrot or the kiwi play a particularly important role in the ecosystem.
A number of unique bird species are now seriously under threat, particularly since humans brought land mammals like cats, dogs and rats with them when they settled in New Zealand. Anthropogenic (human) pollution, habitat devastation, intensive agriculture and climate change are posing more and more of a risk for sensitive ecosystems.
Wide-ranging environmental monitoring and nature and species conservation measures are therefore essential in order to maintain the natural biodiversity of New Zealand.


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