Ein Praktikant im Okavango Delta beobachtet eine Elefanten auf einer Grasebene

Your trip at a glance


  • Be part of a fasci­nating conser­va­tion intern­ship in Botswana
  • Live in the midst of the breath­taking Okavango Delta
  • Gain knowledge in imple­menting essential research methods
  • Meet people from all over the world
  • Get the chance to enjoy unfor­get­table wildlife sightings
  • Experi­ence the spectac­ular flora and fauna of the Okavango Delta


Okavango Delta
Ein Praktikant beobachtet Elefanten an einem Wasserloch im Okavango Delta
Drei Praktikanten beobachten eine Elefanten Herde von einem sichren Punkt aus
Aussicht aus einem Flugzeug auf das faszinierende Okavango Delta
Ein Guide unterrichtet eine Praktikantin im Faehrtenlesen anhand von Spuren im Sand
Die beste Zeit zum Faehrtenlesen sind die fruehen Morgenstunden und die spaeten Abendstunden
Ein Guide fuehrt die Praktikanten an ein Wasserloch an dem eine Elefanten Herde badet

Your conservation internship in Africa

As part of this two-month internship in northwest Botswana you deal with theoretical and practical aspects of nature and wildlife conservation in the region and acquire important knowledge in implementing essential research methods.

Die beste Zeit zum Faehrtenlesen sind die fruehen Morgenstunden und die spaeten Abendstunden

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Botswana

Your work placement will begin and end in Maun. You will land in Johannesburg first and continue from there. You will be picked up at the arranged time from Maun Airport and taken to the camp. The same goes for departure. It is advisable to contact us before booking your flights, so that we can discuss your travel plans together. We would be pleased to help you. In Maun there will be an introduction meeting where all participants will get an overview of the course structure and possible research topics. On the third day after your arrival all participants will travel to the research-camp which is located in the midst of Okavango Delta.

Eine Praktikantin ist mit einem Mokoro unterwegs durch das Okavango Delta

Intern­ship descrip­tion

This placement has been especially conceived, in conjunction with the Okavango Research Institute of the University of Botswana (ORI), to equip students from a variety of disciplines for working on nature conservation projects. The aim is to introduce future nature conservationists to standard research techniques from data collection and analysis to field research and environmental management. During the course, the emphasis will be on the two important work areas “Human-Wildlife Conflict” and “Biodiversity Monitoring”. Biodiversity monitoring purposes the monitoring and surveillance of species and population dynamics in ecosystems. It provides an essential tool to adaptive management that enables perturbations to be measured in space and time and reviews the effectiveness of different conservation measures.

Ein Praktikant beobachtet Elefanten an einem Wasserloch im Okavango Delta

Thus biodiversity monitoring contributes to urban and conservation planning processes. The Human-Wildlife Conflict Project is an important research area forming part of your work experience. In conjunction with the Okavango Research Institute of the University of Botswana, it attempts to identify conflicts between man and wildlife and to develop concepts for measures to prevent such conflicts in the future. Using development aid, training courses and educational schemes the project helps the farmers and local people to build protective walls, makes other water-holes for the animals away from the settlements and shows the people how they can live in harmony with wildlife.

Eine Bruecke fuehrt ueber einen Teil des Okavango Deltas und ermoeglicht tolle Wanderungen

Accom­mo­da­tion in Botswana

On arrival into Maun, Botswana, students will stay at a gated campsite in twin dome tents on cots. There are male and female communal bathrooms with basins, showers and toilets. A communal kitchen and dining area are situated within the campsite. Meals will be prepared together with other students in the camp. Food for three meals each day will be provided. After their first week in Maun all participants will move to the research-camps which are located in and around the Okavango Delta. Students stay in twin dome tents on cots and have male/female pit-toilets and bucket shower facilities. Meals are prepared by an in-house cook in an open communal tent dining area.

Ein Guide unterrichtet eine Praktikantin im Faehrtenlesen anhand von Spuren im Sand

Leisure time during your intern­ship

Most evenings and at the weekends you will have sufficient time to take care of personal matters or to sit round the camp fire with the others. During the two months, two excursions are planned: a safari along the Linyanti River and a three-day excursion to the fantastically beautiful Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. In Chobe National Park you can also travel down river in a boat.

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Internship abroad Botswana – Victor

During his internship in Botswana, Victor became active in conserving endangered species. In his report, you can learn more about his tasks and experiences.

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Review Photos Safari Guide Botswana – Lisa

Lisa joined our Safari Guide course in Botswana – and sent us some amazing wildlife images she took during her time in Southern Africa. Please take a look at them and enjoy.

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Review Safari Guide Botswana – Annika

“It was an unforgettable and breathtaking experience!”

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Review Safari Guide Botswana – Lisa

“When I started the course, my goal was to simply be in nature and watch various animals – “back to the roots” so to speak. These expectations were more than exceeded.”

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  • reiseorte-botswana-okavango-delta-elefanten-natucate
    1. Okavango Delta

    The Okavango Delta in Botswana is without doubt one of the most spectacular natural sites in Southern Africa, if not in the entire world. Covering more than 20,000 km², the fertile oasis in the northwestern part of the country is the largest inland delta of our planet. The mighty UNESCO World Heritage Site is fed by the Okavango River, which once a year floods down from the highlands of Angola into an endless labyrinth of river courses, islands and lagoons. With a visit to the Delta, one of the last natural paradises on earth awaits you, whose awe-inspiring biodiversity will amaze every visitor.

    Learn more

Background of your conser­va­tion intern­ship

Participants of this internship will be instructed in the theoretical and practical aspects of nature conservation and animal protection in Africa, which will be illustrated in extensive case studies, numerous practical applications, excursions and discussions with all parties involved. As an intern will acquire new skills regarding nature conservation and wildlife management and dedicate themselves to own research projects for one and a half months. Later on they will present their results to other participants of the course. During the course of your placement you will find yourself in different parts of the Chobe region and the Okavango Delta in the north of Botswana, where you will be able to apply your newly acquired skills and theoretical basic principles in the wild. Your placement will take you through a rapid succession of constantly changing landscapes. Due to its fascinating biodiversity Botswana is the epitome of untouched and wild nature.


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