
Volun­teering Seychelles North Island – Petra

Volunteering in species conservation in the Seychelles: In her field report you can learn more about Petra's time as a conservation volunteer in our turtle project on beautiful North Island.

Eine freiwillige Helferin pflegt eine Landschildkroete
Ein Schildkroetennest voll mit markierten Eiern

A day as a volunteer on North Island

Early morning, 7 am:

The day starts early on North Island with a beach patrol along the beautiful coast of the island, during which we observe the green sea turtle and collect data about their activities. Every new track and nest is documented to be able to draw a balance at the end of the year. Depending on the time and season it differs which kind of turtle can be seen on the beach. The green sea turtle for example is very active at night, and the Hawksbill turtle can be seen during the day and at night. During the patrol the beach is also cleaned from waste which is washed on to the beach, this is also an important aspect of the environmental conservation.

„Later“ in the morning, 8 am:

After patrolling the beaches the daily tasks are discussed the worker’s village. Today it’s time to snorkel – so back to the beach and into the water. Do not forget the underwater camera, because it is important to document al the sightings under water with a camera. Starting with the different fish species to rays and corals, all must be documented for a later evaluation.

Noon, 11:30 am:

Later in the morning it is time to collect new energy and to go to the open bistro at the worker’s village together. Together with other workers and volunteers everyone can eat and afterwards spent some free time for a sun bath or a swim – whatever you feel like.

Eine freiwillige Helferin pflegt eine Landschildkroete
Auslandsaufenthalt: Ein Strand mit Blick auf den weiten Ozean
Blick vom Strand mit Sonnenuntergang am Horizont

Afternoon, 2:30 pm:

After the relaxing break the program continues. Depending on the priority it is decided which task must be done. Today helping with replanting at the nursery is on top of the list. For the island’s original vegetation it is very important to remove the invasive plants and to replant the native plants, to help preserve the local biodiversity. Second on the list is tracking the Aldabra giant turtle which is living on the island. Through the GPS signals it is possible to collect information about their behavior and way of living. There are not many information about their territorial behavior, how and if they protect it and how the individual turtles move around the island.

Afternoon, 4 pm:

At the end of the day all the collected data from the beach patrol, the snorkeling, from the nursery and the turtle tracking are added to the record on the computer in the office.

Evening, 5:30 pm:

When all the work is done, the volunteers have dinner together and can experience the beautiful sunset on North Island. Hurry to make it to the beach till 6 pm – it is definitely worth it!

Volunteere graben Schildkroeteneier aus einem Nest aus
Ein Schildkroetennest voll mit markierten Eiern
Artenschutz: Eine auf den Seychellen lebende Landschildkroete

Evening, 7:30 pm:

Since most turtles are starting to come to the beach, night patrols belong to the daily routine. With a beautiful sky full of stars this is more fun that actual work. When a turtle appears, the whole team waits till she has laid her eggs and then start to mark the turtle, so that she can be recognized when returning to North Island.

Night, 9:30 pm:

A well-earned cold beverage waits for you after work to be enjoyed together with friends on the beach. While enjoying the after-work time, the group has time to get to know each other better and to develop new friendships.

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