
Volun­teering Seychelles North Island – Celina

Volunteer Celina traveled to the Seychelles in order to dedicate herself to our species conservation project on North Island. Learn more about her time



Name: Celina

Age: 24

Project: Species Conservation in the Seychelles

Location: North Island/Seychelles

Duration: Mid-February until Mid-March 2018 – 4 weeks


Support from NATUCATE-Team:


Project partner:


Volunteering in the Seychelles – Feedback: Seven questions for Celina

1) Could you give us a short overview of your tasks in the project?

I had various tasks. I’ll give you a short overview of my schedule which we were allowed to divide individually:

  • Beach patrol every morning – searching for turtle tracks and nests as well as collecting garbage which was washed up by the ocean
  • Planting trees and killing invasive plants
  • Snorkelling on a regular basis to analyse fish population
  • Documenting the behaviour of tortoises

2) What were your biggest challenges during the project?

There were actually no challenges, maybe the daily portion of rice which I disliked.


3) Was there anything that you liked most? Or anything that left you with a negative impression?

  • I liked the diversity of the tasks and the feeling that I’ve accomplished something positive. Even if it just was collecting garbage at the beach or planting trees.
  • The free space which was given to us by our instructors was also very beneficial to me because I could plan my day individually.
  • And – of course – I liked the stunning nature as well as the tortoises and sea turtles very much.
  • And Ange ;-)

4) Did you have certain expectations before you started the project?

My expectations have been exceeded for sure!

5) Did you do anything during your free time that you can recommend to other participants?

We spent a weekend in Mahé. It doesn’t really pay off visiting the capital Victoria but I don’t regret the trip because I had no other opportunity to see something else than North Island.


6) Which tips would you give to other participants who would like to do this project?

If you follow a vegetarian diet it is very useful to bring something like nuts because the food in bistro contains a lot of meat.

7) Can you guess how many additional expenses you had?

I spent about 30€ for drinks, candy etc. at the staff shop on site.

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