Primatologie im Rahmen eines Natur- und Rangerkurses in Suedamerika

Your trip at a glance


  • Enjoy a research adventure surrounded by Peru’s rainforest
  • Go on daily excur­sions in the jungle
  • Study the biodi­ver­sity of the Amazon Basin
  • Live and learn together with people from all over the world
  • Experi­ence the incred­ible flora and fauna of the Amazon region


Amazon Rainforest
Vogelkunde im Amazonas als Teil der Rangerausbildung in Peru
Primatologie im Rahmen eines Natur- und Rangerkurses in Suedamerika
Primatologie im Rahmen eines Natur- und Rangerkurses in Peru
Primatenforschung in Suedamerika im Rahmen des Natur- und Rangerkurses
Unterkuenfte und Forschungsstationen des Rangerkurses am Rande des Regenwaldes in Suedamerika
Ein kleiner Vogel sitzt geschuetzt im Gebuesch des peruanischen Regenwaldes

Field course on tropical biology in Peru

As a participant in this course you travel to South America and discover one of the areas with the largest plant biodiversity worldwide – the lowlands of the Amazon rainforest.

Ein kleiner Vogel sitzt geschuetzt im Gebuesch des peruanischen Regenwaldes

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in the Amazon rainforest

You first travel to Puerto Maldonado from where you take a short boat ride to get to the research station. Together with other course participants you will stay there for a week.

Studenten fahren waehrend eines Ausflugs mit einem Boot durch den Regenwald

Course topics: Rainforest ecology and field botany

During this one week stay you will go for hikes through the rainforest with the other participants and take part at other practical activities and theoretical lectures. After six nights, you travel back to Puerto Maldonado and travel by boat to the next research station, situated in the southeastern parts of the Madre de Dios River. During your stay at the second research camp the group will go for excursions in the surrounding biotopes and do vegetation surveys.

Studenten des Natur- und Rangerkurses waten durch flaches Gewaesser im Regenwald

Two weeks after the start of your rainforest adventure you will head back to Puerto Maldonado and visit a herbarium. In the evening, you can take part at a farewell dinner with the other participants before the course ends.
All practical and theoretical lectures focus on the fascinating biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest, the key factors and different processes of the formation and preservation and the impact of human activities in this important eco system.

Unterkuenfte und Forschungsstationen des Rangerkurses am Rande des Regenwaldes in Suedamerika

Accom­mo­da­tion during your stay abroad in Peru

After your arrival in Puerto Maldonado you will need to take a 45-min-boat ride to get to the first research station which is situated right by the Madre de Dios River. You will share a room with one, two or three other participants. Each room is equipped with a bathroom. The second research station in the southeastern parts of the Madre de Dios River is divided into a lecture room, a sleeping area with several rooms, shared bathrooms, a kitchen plus eating area and a laundry area.
At both field stations, you will be provided with three meals per day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Beobachtung eines kleinen Vogels im Regenwald Perus

Leisure time as a course student in South America

During the course there is always time for own activities in between. Bring some TV series, movies and books. Or simply relax together with the other course participants and enjoy the nature you are surrounded by.

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Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Professional Field Guide Africa – Marc Aurel

“The experiences you can gain are unique – especially when roaming the bush on foot.”

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Review Basic Field Guide Training Botswana – Birgit

“Learning so much was more than great – not only about nature on site, but also about things like communication, group management and feedback culture, as well as practical things that you might need everyday like patching up car tyres.”

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Review Tracking and Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Katrin

“During these excursions our practical skills got tested: Guiding, driving, tracking, trees, animal behaviour – we literally dealt with anything that crossed our path.”

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Review Volunteering Seychelles North Island – Nancy

“My expectations have definitely been exceeded. I will never forget my time on North Island.”

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  • reiseorte-peru-amazonas-regenwald-natucate
    1. Amazon Rainforest

    About 13% of the approximately 5,500,000 km² Amazon rainforest is located in Peru. As in other countries in South America where the Amazon rainforest is found, the Amazon rainforest in Peru is a real biodiversity hotspot due to its many endemic animal and plant species.

    The avifauna in particular is one of the richest in species worldwide. With over 1800 species, more birds live here than in Europe and North America together. But also large numbers of insects, reptiles and mammals can be found in the green depths and make the jungle of Peru an absolute must-see for all South American travellers and nature lovers.

    Learn more

Background of the research course in Peru

The Peruvian Amazon rainforest offers a unique abundance of species and is a real biodiversity hotspot. During your expeditions as part of the course by foot and boat you will discover a lush and green vegetation diversity and at the same time you have the chance to see fascinating wildlife. Enjoy an unforgettable educational adventure surrounded by unspoiled nature and gain a deeper knowledge about the flora and fauna of the South American rainforest.


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